There is a public school in the village offering primary classes in Gujarati from first to sixth standard. If a child wants to receive further school education, a boarding school in one of the cities has to be visited.
However these schools are putting a load on the parents wallet and are therefore not always affordable for everybody. For families with several children, of whom usually only one can take over the parental farming business, it is quite challenging to enable the remaining children a proper education. There are not many jobs available and a good school education is increasing the chances of finding some work. Especially language skills in English and Hindi are helpful, as in the present opening of the markets the interaction with the rest of India and the outside world is becoming more and more important.
Education on environmental and safety issues and basic computer literacy will enable the farmers to avoid repercussions and to compare marketrates for their produce.
Complementary Language classes and awareness programs may be conducted in the form of open forums.
In cases of deprivation, children can be helped to visit a secondary school by sponsorship on an individual basis.